Leix.co is a factory-based manufacturer and wholesaler of fine Replica Cartier jewelry, Van Cleef & Arpels Jewlery replica and Fake Hermes jewelry. All our Van cleef & arpels jewelry replica are made in 925 sterling silver with 3-layer 18k gold plated, so it will never fade or change color.
Most our customers said they don’t want the original van cleef & arpels jewelry on officinal website or on our website, they want to DIY their own van cleef & arpels clover necklace, so from now on we can custom all the Van cleef & arpels jewelry for you as your required.
Send us a sample or the product drawings/pictures in details, we’ll make the Van Cleef & Arpels Jewelry specially for you.
MOQ: 1pcs
Production Time: 1-2 work days according the products
Your customized Cheap Van Cleef & Arpels Jewelry will be marked with your own logo, and they will not be sold on our stores and websites.
With several years of OEM experience to serve our international customers, we are confident to meet your special requirements. Please feel free to contact us if you’re seeking a manufacturer for cooperation.